Metering Studies
“If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Things you measure tend to improve.”
- Peter Drucker
Our Approach
QGM understands the value of using data to help improve energy management solutions. Quantifying your energy allows you to see patterns, set targets, and measure progress. But we also know that just measuring and looking at data is not going to get you to your goals. We implement our suite of metering equipment along with our industry knowledge on energy efficiency techniques to help reach customers goals.
What We Measure - All your system needs.
Power (kW) - Voltage, Power Factor
Amperage (amps)
Compressed Air - Flow (cfm) & Pressure (psig)
Nitrogen Flow (cfm)
Air Flow - Supply & Exhaust (cfm, temp, % RH)
Natural Gas Flow (cfh)
Steam Flow (lbs/hr)
Motor Status (on/off)
Carbon Dioxide
Lighting & Occupancy