Energy Modeling.

QGM offers building energy modeling for large retrofit or new construction buildings. We examine every opportunity to save energy, increase occupant comfort, and ensure durability for your project, from the inside out.

Understand the complexities of your building’s energy use before it is even built. Our analyses are based on using whole building simulation tools, such as eQUEST and EnergyPlus, and are we are versed in current industry standards (ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G). We provide niche building energy modeling services for all types of buildings for LEED Energy credit compliance, above the code incentive programs, energy code compliance including COMCheck/RESCheck analysis, etc.

By optimizing performance during the initial design stages, we help you to minimize the total cost of ownership (initial construction, monthly utility expenses, and annual maintenance costs) by eliminating operational, mechanical, and technological inefficiencies.

We proud to provide building energy modeling services for new as well as major renovation for LEED, ESMFHR, Utility Incentive programs (Eversource, UI, CONEd, etc.), design optimization, Energy Code Compliance including MA Stretch Code.

